We Mentor Students in Singing, Songwriting, Music Production,
Recording, Audition Preparation and Performing in San Gabriel California
contact us at mentoringwithmusic@gmail.com (626) 292-2258

Our Services
Virtually "meet" Janeen, tour her studio, see if her class is for you
1 hr
FREEDiscuss Your Goals / Tour Her Beautiful State of The Art Music Studio
1 hr
Free ConsultationProfessional private singing and songwriting for TV, Film, Advertising
2 hr
Varies-BY APPT. ONLYWorship Him In Spirit and Truth
2 hr
By Invitation Only
All classes require a 24-hour advance notice of cancellation (unless there is an emergency at the time of the event). You are expected to pay for a full lesson if you fail to cancel without a 24-hour notice. Remember, 8pm the day before your lesson is not 24-hour’s notice. Please be considerate of our time by giving us the opportunity to contact another student who could use that available time.
Please let our instructors know if you are running late to class. They will do their best to accommodate you, but can not guarantee that you will receive a full lesson if you arrive late for your scheduled time.
If your lesson is cancelled for any last-minute unforeseen reason, your instructor will make it up to you as soon as possible within the same week or at least the same month.
We are ONLY signing up students for a minimum of six months.
Consistency is key to obtaining a successful outcome!