We Mentor Students in Singing, Songwriting, Music Production,
Recording, Audition Preparation and Performing in San Gabriel California
contact us at mentoringwithmusic@gmail.com (626) 292-2258

The World Needs Artists with a Solid Foundation
Singer, songwriter, recording artist & producer Janeen Ferdinand is doing something uniquely different in the music industry to help artists discover their true identity, build a firm foundation, maximize their gifts and talents and materialize their dreams of building and sustaining a lucrative career in the music industry from the inside out. Listen as they share profound wisdoms that will change the way we view the world we live in.
We can spend our entire lives pointing the finger and playing the victim. Start to look for the best in everyone, and people will begin to see the best in you. Never let your thoughts divide you from the people that God has placed in your life. They're there for a reason. Maintaining unity with your friends, family and loved ones is more important than any argument you might have with anyone. Choose your battles wisely. Don't isolate yourself or try to do it all on your own. -Shannon Remy
Our Classes Are Life-Changing
Not only are our students excelling in our faith-based singing, performance, songwriting and music recording classes, they are landing auditions while building their faith and confidence by involving our Heavenly Father in each session!
We should always make time to thank our local Heroes who daily protect and serve our community. Courageously responding when emergencies strike and selflessly serving us all in our time of need. Police, Firefighters, 1st Responders, Veterans, we celebrate you! From all of us at Winning at the Race of Life & Mentoring With Music.
Support Your Everyday Hard Working Heroes
This Generation Paved The Way For Us All. Lets Not Forget Them
One of our greatest blessings is to be able to share what we've been given with others, especially the older generation who made so many sacrifices to lay the foundation that we get to walk on. Thank you Bob Wieland and Sammy Maloof for letting us be a part of your blessing our elderly.
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, to keep oneself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27).
Words To Live By
Artist and mentee Katelyn Rose honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with this beautiful tribute in American Sign Language for his ultimate sacrifice of his life to pave the way for us to walk in love and live by God's Word.
There are ALOT of singers in this world. Just watch American Idol, The Voice or Americas Got Talent etc., & they are very good too, but not all of them have the wisdom, nor the desire to make a difference in this world. Our artists do, and that's what makes them uniquely different.
In order to change lives, we have to first change ourselves. Mentorship is the fastest way to do that and because of their willingness, we are SO excited about the great doors of opportunity that are now opening for all of them!